My sister in law finally asked me to do a Lifestyle Family Beach Photography Session while her family is visiting Cape Town. WARNING – the women in this family are gorgeous!
Nervous as I could ever be (shooting for family), I packed my gear and headed to a secluded beach front in Cape Town on a nice sunny afternoon.

About 5 minutes from the beach the mist started rolling in THICK! I was holding my breathe and praying hard that it does not start raining The misty weather created the most glorious light.

This beautiful calm shoot took a quick turn, when a dog that were not on his leash headed straight for the family’s bag (with all their clothes in), and lifted his leg! When we all stormed toward the dog to chase him away, the owner of the dog had the audacity to ask “are we going to have a problem?”

It took a lot of self control, to not take that arrogant guy right out. But we had to make use of the wonderful rays of light still available, and carried on shooting.

The situation did make my brother in law smile. For some reason the van Wyk men have something against smiling for cameras. I do count that as a win.

Looking forward to seeing the family together in Cape Town again soon. Love you guys LOTS!
Great content! Keep up the good work!